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Component Creation

New components can be created in several ways:

  • Using action 'Create' from the right-click context menu in a catalog of components
  • By copying an existing component using action 'Copy' from the right-click context menu in a catalog of components
  • Using the 'Copy Components' option during copying of systems

Component: Create

  1. Right-click in a catalog of components and select item 'Create' from the context menu. An editor for new component creation opens.
  2. Fill in the component attributes. Pay special attention to mandatory attributes:
    • Component No.

      Attribute 'Component No.' must be unique. Button 'Generate Key' next to the attribute field can be used to ensure its uniqueness.

    • Component Type

      Each component must have a component type assigned. Use 'Component Type Action Menu' next to the attribute field to assign an existing component type or create and assign a new one.

    • System

      Select a system to which the component will belong. Note that a component must always belong to a system, a system-independent component will at least belong to a stock system or some "temporary" system created for this purpose.

    • Status and Technical Status

      Select component statuses. Component statuses are also mandatory, the choice of default statuses should cover all possible situations.

    • Updatable by Interface

      Selecting this check box signifies that it will be possible to update the component by an external data interface. Keep the check box deselected to protect component data from being overwritten by an external interface.

    Specify other, non-mandatory attributes describing the component as needed.

  3. Confirm the new component creation by clicking the 'Apply' button.

Component: Copy

  1. Right-click in a catalog of components and select item 'Copy' from the context menu. An editor for new component creation opens, the editor is prefilled with attributes copied from the original component.
  2. Modify component attributes as necessary, see section 'Component: Create' for description of mandatory attributes.
  3. Confirm the copy operation by clicking the 'Apply' button.

See Also

Asset Management In Use

System Creation

IMAC Service Actions