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Start Page Operations

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Add new tiles to the Start Page

  1. Click 'Configure Start Page' (1). A list of all existing tiles organized by Business Categories opens (2).
    • First five tiles from each category are listed - click 'Show All' to expand the list to display all tiles in the category.
    • The search field at the top of the list can be used to search for tiles according to tile labels
  2. Hover over a tile item in the list. The tile item gets highlighted and a 'play' icon displayed (3). The position where the tile will go gets shadowed in the Start Page (4).
    • Click in the highlighted line in the list to add the tile to the Start Page.
    • Click the 'play' icon to launch the tile action directly from the list.
  3. Proceed in the same way to add more tiles to the list. Maximum of 12 tiles can fit in one page. Adding a 13th tile automatically creates another page - a subpage to the Start Page.

Add a subpage to the Start Page perspective manually

  • Click the 'plus' icon (5) to add a subpage.
  • An empty subpage can be deleted using the 'waste bin' icon in its center.

Navigate and move tiles between subpages

  • Use the 'rewind' (6) / 'fastforward' (not shown in the screenshot) icons or the page selector (7) to navigate between subpages.
  • To move a tile from one subpage to the previous or next one, drag the tile onto the 'rewind' icon on the left or the 'fastforward' icon on the right, respectively.

See Also

Start Page

Valuemation Smart Tiles

Smart Tile Operations