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Valuemation CTI based on JTAPI works in the following way: When a user logs into Valuemation web client, a proprietary java CTI applet is started. The CTI applet connects to PBX, PBX informs the applet when an incoming call to a defined (user specific) phone number is recognized.

Here is an example of how the process works:

  1. The phone rings at the user desk. The user (with an assigned user specific number, e.g. 325) picks up the phone.
  2. PBX informs the CTI applet that there is a connected incoming call from a calling number (e.g. +420 737 745 698) to a defined user specific phone number (325).
  3. The CTI applet sends a request to the Valuemation server to start a workflow defined by Valuemation mainparameter 'WF_Connected'.
  4. The worfklow performs the desired operation. Typically it opens a new ticket with the calling person pre-filled on the basis of recognized calling number.

For customers using Lync the process differs in the following way:

  1. When an incoming call is recognized by Lync, the Lync client calls file 'run_CtiIn.bat' stored locally on the user computer.
  2. The batch file uses IP connection to the proprietary CTI java applet running in the browser together with Valuemation.
  3. Subsequent steps are the same as for JTAPI.

Note that a browser supporting java applets must be used. (Some browsers do not support the technology required for Java applets. As of Valuemation 4.6 release, Java applets are not supported by Edge and they have also been disabled in the latest Chrome.)

This CTI documentation describes:

  • How to enable, configure and test the CTI on both the web and rich Valuemation clients to utilize
    • CTI for Cisco Call Manager version 4.2, version 7
    • CTI for Siemens CAP HiPath version 2.0
    • For Avaya Aura 4.0
    • CTI In interface – used for invocation of “CTI connected” event in Valuemation by an external application introduced into standard Valuemation 3.6.HOTFIX11, 3.6.1.HOTFIX04(or later)
  • How to initialize CTI Phones for Persons and how to test the use case "Accept Call" even without having connection to a real CTI server.

In This Chapter

Core: Enabling Valuemation CTI

Core: CTI Setup

Setup CTI User Settings

IPC: CTI Setup

IPC: Accepting Call by CTI

Core: Tests

CTI for Sikom Agent One 5.0

See Also


Server Based CTI