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IPC: Accepting Call by CTI

An example is used to describe how an incoming call is processed in the I/P/C module.

  • User SKM is logged into Valuemation and is allowed to use CTI.

    His phone 365 is monitored for the connected event.

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    CTI User Settings defines monitored phone

  • Person Bronson is calling from his phone 999 to 365.
  • Phone 365 on the desk of the user SKM is ringing, but SKM still does not know who is calling.
  • SKM pickups the phone.
  • Valuemation CTI recognizes the “connected” event for the incoming call from number 999 and starts a workflow defined by “WF_connected” parameter, which is IPC.AcceptCall.ByCTI workflow.
  • Call from 999 is recognized as a local call in the workflow Person.GetByPhoneNumber. A query used to lookup person is “in(ctiPhoneNo,'004971414867999','071414867999')“. There are 2 persons matching the condition.
  • Catalog to select a calling person is opened. User SKM selects person Bronson belonging to organization unit D-10001.

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    There are 2 persons with the same phone, Razo with an international code, Bronson without an international code

    If there is just one person or none person this step is skipped.

  • Editor “Call acceptance” is opened.

    Person Bronson is set as Requested By.

    Calling phone number is displayed on the editor.

    Reference catalog “Tickets by Calling Code” displays a ticket of person Razo, as person Razo belongs to the organization unit D-10000 which has Calling Code set to 07141, which is a prefix of a calling phone.

    Help Image

    Call acceptance editor with determined calling person

    If there is no person found for a calling phone, editor „Call acceptance“ is opened without prefilled Requested By person. The calling phone is displayed and used to determine „Tickets by Calling Code“.

    Help Image

    Call acceptance editor without determined calling person

Actions on the on the reference view „Requested by“:

  • „Remove Person“ – clears and hides Calling Phone, clears content of Tickets by Calling Code
  • „Link Person“
    • if Calling Phone is defined then it offers only persons, belonging to organization units whose calling code is a prefix of the calling phone
    • clears and hides Calling Phone
    • the reference catalog „Tickets by Calling Code“ is populated using a phone number of a selected person instead of a calling phone, which is cleared in this moment

In This Chapter

How to process only External Calls

Lookup Person by Calling Phone

Lookup Tickets by Calling Code

See Also


Core: Enabling Valuemation CTI

Core: CTI Setup

Setup CTI User Settings

IPC: CTI Setup

Core: Tests

CTI for Sikom Agent One 5.0