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Quick Search

Quick Search represents the simplest and the most intuitive way of searching in a catalog. You can perform an ad hoc search for one or more keywords in catalog attributes using a simple search field. Quick Search works independently of the Field, Column and Expert search modes.

By default, Quick Search is available in all catalogs and reference views.

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Quick Search: Advantages and Limitations

  • The fastest way of searching: Just enter a keyword and press the 'Enter' key.
  • Search definition and search results are temporary - they are canceled on closing the catalog.
  • There are no query selectors, no save and case sensitivity icons or the drag&drop option.
  • The user does not work with preselected attributes.
  • No structures for grouping conditions are available.

Quick Search: Customization


QuickSearch provides users with a convenient search but uses extensive database operations. With permissive configuration, this can lead to a considerable load on the database and thus to performance degradation.

We strongly recommend that you:

  • Limit the Quick Search to as few attributes as possible.
  • Limit the QuickSearch to simple attributes (no structured attributes with dot notation).
  • If possible, do not use leading wildcards.

In This Chapter

Quick Search in Detail

See Also

Searches in Catalogs

Field Search

Column Search

Expert Search