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Expert Search

Unlike the Field Search, Expert Search uses a table-like interface allowing any attribute to be used for searching. While performing the search is not as straightforward as in the Field Search, the search options within the Expert Search are greatly enhanced.

Expert Search: Advantages and Limitations

  • Various attributes can be added to create a search condition.
  • Search conditions can take advantage of the 'OR' operator - they are not limited to 'AND' operator only.
  • It is possible to form subqueries (grouping of conditions using parenthesis structures).

The Expert Search covers search functionality to the limits. It has no limitation per se but working with the Expert Search requires a bit more experienced user - attributes have to be selected from a big list of attributes, the condition has to be set up together and can be modified in various ways.

Expert Search: The Customization

The availability of the 'Switch' button in a catalog (enabling to switch to Expert Search) is dependent on the particular customization. By default, the button is available to all users. The individual authorization of the button is done in the Authorization Manager.

In This Chapter

Starting Points

Key Search Controls

Expert Search in Detail

See Also

Searches in Catalogs

Field Search

Column Search

Quick Search