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Key Search Controls

The Expert Search can be controlled by the following buttons:

  • Switch

    This button enables you to select among Field, Column and Expert Search. Click the button and select the desired search mode from the combo box.

    If you switch to Expert Search view and use parameters which are not applicable to Field or Column Search, it is not possible to switch back to Field or Column Search View (unless you reset the parameters) with all defined complex filtering criteria. This mainly concerns the "OR" operator or application of subqueries which are not usable in Field and Column Search.

    Note that the availability of the 'Switch' button in a catalog is dependent on the particular customization. By default, the button is available to all users. The individual authorization of buttons is done in the Authorization Manager.

  • Table, Text

    Here you can select the way you want to define a condition: You can either use the table style or switch to 'Text' to write the condition manually in a textual form.

  • Search & Refresh

    This button performs two actions at the same time: Initiating a search and refreshing the results displayed below. When you start a new search by clicking the button, the search based on current search conditions is applies and the list of objects in the catalog will be modified to reflect the search criteria.

  • Reset

    By default, it clears all of the attribute values, resets all the operators back to default and reloads the catalog data (the catalog is refreshed).

    The exact behaviour of the 'Reset' action can be customized in Global Settings > Basic Settings using the 'Apply reset immediately in Field and Expert Search' check box. This option enables you to control the refresh of the catalog data.

See Also

Expert Search

Starting Points

Expert Search in Detail