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KB Proposal

Use case scenario: The solution descriptions in Valuemation can also be created as solution documents in the Knowledge Center using the interface technology introduced in Valuemation since the 4.2 version and subjected there to the editorial process.

The following actions are involved in the process:

Solve Incident

The action opens the Ticket Description where you have to describe the solution and optionally mark it as Suggestion KB document.

Suggestion KB document

Allows you to mark the solution as potential KB solutions.


To create solution documents:

  1. Use the Solve Incident status action.

    The Ticket Description opens.

  2. Describe the solution.
  3. Select the Suggestion KB document check box if you consider the solution useful for future tickets.

    Using this action, the solution is proposed as potential KB solutions, verified in Valuemation by the authorized user and released or rejected for the handover.

    Attachments to the ticket descriptions are adopted automatically.

    The solution document link is recorded in the ticket description.

Administrator Settings

The admin settings can be accessed via the Knowledge Manager Business View: Knowledge Manager Business View > Sidebar > Objects > Actions > Setup Administrator Settings.

Here you can set if the ticket attachments, ticket class and ticket number (possibly also the author of the ticket description) are to be transferred too.

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See Also

Work on Incident

Create Incident

Accept Incident and check responsibility

Add a new Ticket Description

Assign Incident

Search solution in KB

Solve Incident

Inform end user about the Incident Solution

Close Incident

Feedback: Incident solution not accepted

Postpone Incident

Assign Incidents to a Problem

Check Present Status of an Own Incident

Incident Priority Change Reason

Relate 'N' Systems or Components to an Incident/Problem

Incident Reporting

Incident - RFC/Change