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Create Incident

Typical use case scenario: Instead of using the Call acceptance editor, an incident can also be created and logged directly using the Create Incident action available.

The following actions are involved in the process:

Create Incident

The action calls a New: Incident dialog which is the main starting point of the Incident creation.

By default, this particular action is related to all of the Business Views except for the End User Business View. In this case, the action is coupled with the 'Incident Manager' Business View.


To create an Incident:

  1. Start creating an Incident using the Create Incident Smart Tile


    using the Create Incident Smart Tile from the 'Tiles' InfoObject


    using calling the Create Incident action from the Sidebar InfoObject.

  2. Make the Incident classification and categorization: You must specify the relevant incident information.

    By default, the person in Requested for is equal to the person selected in Requested by.

    Incident Type, Impact, Urgency and Date Reported/Date Planned are mandatory.

  3. Click OK to complete the Incident creation.

    The Incident is saved and assigned a unique ticket number.

See Also

Work on Incident

Accept Incident and check responsibility

Add a new Ticket Description

Assign Incident

Search solution in KB

KB Proposal

Solve Incident

Inform end user about the Incident Solution

Close Incident

Feedback: Incident solution not accepted

Postpone Incident

Assign Incidents to a Problem

Check Present Status of an Own Incident

Incident Priority Change Reason

Relate 'N' Systems or Components to an Incident/Problem

Incident Reporting

Incident - RFC/Change