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Solve Incident

Use case scenario: The user working on an incident has found its solution. He/she must document the solution and the Incident ticket has to be set to the 'Solved' status.

The following actions are involved in the process:

Solve Incident

Allows you to solve the ticket immediately provided you know the solution on the spot.


To solve an Incident:

  1. Select the Incident ticket from the catalog or open it by double-clicking on it.
  2. If you are not the current responsible user, you must first accept the incident using the Accept button below.
  3. Click the Solve Incident button.

    A Ticket Description dialog appears.

  4. Document the solution using at least the mandatory fields.
  5. Click OK to proceed.

    The Incident ticket is automatically reassigned to the overall responsible group (Service Desk or 1st Level).

    Solving the Incident has resulted in a status change to 'Solved (IN)'.

    On the Details tab, the Date Finished attribute has been automatically filled in with a date/time value of the moment when the Incident was solved.

See Also

Work on Incident

Create Incident

Accept Incident and check responsibility

Add a new Ticket Description

Assign Incident

Search solution in KB

KB Proposal

Inform end user about the Incident Solution

Close Incident

Feedback: Incident solution not accepted

Postpone Incident

Assign Incidents to a Problem

Check Present Status of an Own Incident

Incident Priority Change Reason

Relate 'N' Systems or Components to an Incident/Problem

Incident Reporting

Incident - RFC/Change