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Complex Hardware With Option Groups

This use case demonstrates the creation of an offer with grouped options. The requestor will be able to choose from a collection of notebooks, add an optional monitor, an optional service and a mandatory software package.

Let's assume that the database already contains necessary item types and offers. For some of the options we will use template offers (i.e. offers with the Dependency attribute set to 'Master').

As the use case logically builds on previous use cases 'Simple Hardware Without Options' and 'Simple Hardware With Options', the description focuses mainly on the new concept of option groups. The use case is divided into the following parts:

  1. Creation of the Shop Offer
  2. Specifying the New Offer
  3. Creation of Option Groups

In This Chapter

Creation of the Shop Offer

Specifying the New Offer

Creation of Option Groups

Offer Finalization and Testing

Restructuring of Options

See Also

Offer Creation

Simple Hardware Without Options

Simple Hardware With Options

About Offer Description

Data Check of Offers