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Creation of Option Groups

We have a new notebook workplace offer created, the type of the offer is 'Complex Product' with options type 'Groups'. All necessary offer attributes have been specified. Now we need to add the option groups.

Our starting point is the shop offer editor opened with the 'Options' section expanded.

Let's populate the offer with the following groups:

  • Group for selection of a notebook

    The requestor will have to select one of available notebooks. Individual notebook offers (options) will be based on item types already existing in the database.

  • Group for selection of a workplace monitor

    The requestor will have to select one of available monitors. The collection of monitors will be based on an existing master group.

  • Group for selection of optional services

    The requestor will be able to select one or more optional services. The collection of services will be based on an existing group.

  • Group supplying mandatory software

    A group of mandatory software will be provided with the offer. The requestor will not be able to influence the mandatory software package in any way. The software collection will be based on an existing master group.

In This Chapter

Notebook selection

Monitor Selection

Optional Services Selection

Mandatory Software Group

See Also

Complex Hardware With Option Groups

Creation of the Shop Offer

Specifying the New Offer

Offer Finalization and Testing

Restructuring of Options