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Offer Finalization and Testing

As a final step, run Valuemation Data Check on the notebook workplace offer.

  1. Select the offer in the 'Shop Offers' tab of the offer package.
  2. Call action 'Check...' (button or right-click context menu)
  3. A browser of suitable data check definitions opens. Keep all preselected data check definitions selected and click 'Ok'.
  4. In the 'Check data for Offer' screen, keep the default selections and click 'Ok'.

Data check is performed and an information dialog displayed. Click 'Ok' to close the dialog and then click 'Ok' again to close the offer package editor. The new notebook workspace offer has been successfully added to the Shop.

Test the result

Test the result using either the 'Preview in Shop' action or by opening the Service Request Shop. When in the Shop:

  1. Go to the 'Notebook workplaces' category.
  2. Open the offer in the Configurator. In the Configurator, the offer should contain four expandable sections for the following four groups:
    • 'PC Notebook' - radio button selection
    • 'Workplace Monitor' - radio button selection
    • 'Optional Services' - check box selection
    • 'Base Computer Software' - always selected

Note on the price of a complex offer

For a complex offer, it is necessary to distinguish between the price of the main offer item and the total price including selected options.

  • Total price

    Before any selection of options has been made, the price of a complex offer in the Configurator is calculated on the basis of default configuration. In the Shop Offer editor, this price corresponds to attribute 'Pricing' on the 'Shop Offer' tab.

  • Base price

    Base price is the price of the core item of the offer, without additional options. In the Shop Offer editor, this price corresponds to attribute 'Base Price' on the 'Price' tab.

See Also

Complex Hardware With Option Groups

Creation of the Shop Offer

Specifying the New Offer

Creation of Option Groups

Restructuring of Options