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Simple Hardware With Options

This administration use case adds a simple service with options to the Service Request Shop.

In the previous use case we added a monitor cable to the Shop. Now we will create an offer for a monitor with optional selection of the monitor cable. Please make sure to read 'Simple Hardware Without Options' first and refer to it for details not repeated in this follow-up use case. This use case focuses mainly on the differences between adding an offer without and with options.

Also, for brevity's sake the instruction to "click 'Ok' to confirm the selection" is implied.

  1. Use action 'Create...' in the 'Shop Offers' section of same offer package as before.
  2. The shop offer creation wizard starts. Select 'Service with Options'.
  3. In the next step of the wizard, the type of options is specified:
    • Service with direct options

      Use this type for offers with simple options. Results in Configurator with a one-level tree structure.

    • Service with groups

      Use this type for offers with options organized into groups. Groups themselves cannot be selected, they are used only to organize related options.

    • Multi-level service

      Use this type for offers with options which have further sub-options. Results in Configurator with a multi-level tree structure.

    For this use case select 'Service with direct options'.

  4. Choose the source of the offer. The selection is between using an existing item type, creation of a new item type, copying a master offer or copying another already existing offer.

    This time we will assume that a corresponding item type already exists in the database, i.e. we will use an existing item type. Select 'From existing service item type'.

  5. Select item class.

    Item Types are grouped into Item Classes according to the type of product they represent. Selecting an item class in this step effectively pre-filters the list of item types offered for selection in the next step.

    In our demo data, we will select item class 'Monitor'.

  6. Select item type.

    Item types in the database should represent available products or services. Select the one which represents the monitor we want to add to the Shop.

    Upon item type selection, a message informing you that the new offer has been added to the offer package but its actual creation must be finalized in the shop offer editor and then by saving the offer package itself. Click 'Ok' and proceed according to the instructions.

  7. Double-click the new offer in the 'Shop Offers' tab to open it for editing.

    Specifically for this use case, pay attention to the following:

    • Options - Make sure the 'Options' check box is selected.
    • Options (Type: first dropdown) - Specify the type of options. In our use case we will add a simple option without further sub-options, select 'Simple Services'.
    • Options (Selection: second dropdown) - Specify which GUI element will be used to select the options. We will leave this field empty at this moment to allow for the wizard to ask for the information later on in the process.
    • Other relevant attributes - Prices, Description, Pictures, etc., see 'Simple Hardware Without Options'.
  8. Add options

    Selecting the 'Options' check box added an 'Options' section to the editor.

    • Click the 'Create Option' button at the top of the section.
    • Select what will be the source of the option. How many sources are available for selection in this step is determined by the 'Options Type' (step 7 above). Selection Options Type = 'Simple Service' pre-filtered the list of all available sources to:

      - Create simple option for service item type

      - Create simple option for new service item type

      - Copy simple master offer

      - Copy simple offer

      As an offer for the product we want to add as an option already exists in the database, we will select 'Copy simple offer'.

    • A list of offer packages opens. Select the one which contains the offer we want to add. Skipping this selection (e.g. if you do not know which offer package contains the offer) results in all available offers being listed in the next step.

      In our use case, we are adding the DVI cable added to the Shop in use case 'Simple Hardware Without Options'. This offer can be found in offer package 'Additional Hardware'.

    • Selecting 'Additional Hardware' opened a list of offers in this offer package. Let's select our 'Generic DVI cable'.
    • Now it is time to select the selection control type - Radio button, Check box or Always selected. Let's select 'Check box'.

    Adding the option ends with the now familiar information dialog informing you that the option has been added but the process needs to be finalized by editing it in the shop offer editor and saving the offer package to which the offer has been added.

    Open the option for editing and specify relevant attributes. Then save the offer and save the offer package.

  9. Run Data Check

    Verify the result by running Valuemation data check, ideally on the complex product. In our case, select the monitor offer in the offer package and click the 'Data Check' button. Then proceed as described in 'Simple Hardware Without Options'.

Test the result

Test the result using either the 'Preview in Shop' action or by opening the Service Request Shop. When in the Shop:

  1. Go to the 'Additional Hardware' category. You should see the monitor added in this use case.
  2. Open the monitor in the Configurator. The offer should contain the 'Generic DVI Cable' as a selectable option (not preselected).

See Also

Offer Creation

Simple Hardware Without Options

Complex Hardware With Option Groups

About Offer Description

Data Check of Offers