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Specifying the New Offer

At this point we have a new shop offer created and incorporated in the offer package. Now we need to specify its content.

  1. Double-click the new shop offer in the 'Shop Offers' section to open it for editing.
  2. Specify offer attributes in the same way as in the previous use cases. The following attributes are important in respect to this use case:
    • Options - this check box must be selected
    • Options (Type, dropdown) - 'Groups' must be selected
  3. In the 'Shop Categories' section, assign the offer to one or more categories. One category has already been assigned by the wizard, if it is not suitable, remove it and assign different one(s).
  4. Consider assigning a picture to the shop offer. An offer should always have a picture. The picture can either be assigned specifically to the offer (in the 'Pictures' tab of the offer editor) or inherited from the item class - see 'Product Picture Inheritance'.
  5. Now its time to create option groups. Groups help to organize options visually. A group itself does not represent a product or service, it cannot be quantified and requested.

    Go to the 'Options' section and click the 'Create Group' button.

  6. Select how the new option group is to be created. The possibilities are:
    • Create empty group - an empty group is created to which options can be added later.
    • Create group from service item types - a group is created and directly populated with selected item types. Before selecting the item types, an item class must be chosen. All offers in the group will ba based on item types belonging to this item class.
    • Copy master group - a group is created by copying one of existing template groups - i.e. groups with their Dependency attribute set to 'Master'. These special template groups are likely to be organized in a dedicated offer package used specifically as a "storage" of template offer groups.
    • Copy group - a group is created by copying another group with options

Subsequent steps differ depending on the selected method. The topics in section 'Creation of Option Groups' describe the steps in detail.

See Also

Complex Hardware With Option Groups

Creation of the Shop Offer

Creation of Option Groups

Offer Finalization and Testing

Restructuring of Options