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Creation of the Shop Offer
  1. Open the 'Service Offer Packages' catalog and choose a suitable offer package. In our demo data, notebook workplaces belong to offer package 'AllPersons_Workplaces'. The offer package already contains offers 'New PC workplace' and 'New notebook workplace'. We want to add another notebook workplace offer.
  2. Click button 'Create..' in the 'Shop Offers' section. The shop offer creation wizard starts. Select 'Service with Options'.
  3. In the next step of the wizard, the type of options is specified. This time select 'Service with Groups'.
  4. Choose the source of the offer. We know that the item type we need already exists in the database - select 'From existing service item type'.
  5. Select item class. This is the item class which you expect the suitable item type to belong to. (Selection of item class prefilters the list of item types offered in the next step.)

    In our demo data, we need to select item class 'PC'.

  6. In the list of item types available in the item class, select a suitable item type. We choose 'New Workplace'. The 'New Workplace' item type is inserted in the offer package and the ubiquitous information dialog ("Shop offer was created, not saved...") is displayed.
  7. In the 'Shop Offers' section of the offer package editor, rename the new offer (the default name has been taken over from the item type) and possibly adjust the order of offers.
  8. Save the offer package.

Creation of a complex offer from a simple offer

If a shop offer has been created with 'Offer Type = Simple Product', the editor does not contain the 'Options' tab. The simplest way to add options at a later time is to use button 'Add Options'. This initiates the wizard for option creation and also changes the type of the parent offer to 'Offer Type = Complex Product'. The 'Options' tab is added to the editor.

See Also

Complex Hardware With Option Groups

Specifying the New Offer

Creation of Option Groups

Offer Finalization and Testing

Restructuring of Options