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Valuemation Environment

Valuemation Environments represent the running Valuemation applications/databases. They reflect several key stages in a project. The Development Environment and the Master Environment are essential but usually there are more stages present such as the Test Environment, the Integration Environment and the Production Environment. These are optional and can be defined individually according to the current needs. The number of environments corresponds to the number of different databases.

Here in the Valuemation Environments catalog, the environments which are expected to be used at the particular customer can be defined. The definition of the Development and Master Environments is mandatory but the definition of the other environments always depends on the specific situation at a customer site.

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With Valuemation Environment Object Types, you must do the following:

In This Chapter

Valuemation Environment in Detail

Organization of the Environments

Identifying the Environment

See Also

CTM Important Object Types


Customization Object

Transfer Order

Setup Object

Environment Setup