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Customization Object

Customization Objects can be viewed as containers for the customization or setup files (XML or SQL files). The Customization Object is an object created for every customization change which is imported (committed) to the Master Environment.

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The Customization Object in the Edit View

When you start creating a new Customization Object or double-click the existing Customization Object, the object type editor appears.

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The editor comprises the following fields:

  • Customization No.

    The identification number which serves as a business key.

  • Package

    The package which the Customization Object belongs to.

  • Sequence

    The sequence value the Customization Object has. That is the sequence which is used by the CTM to organize the transfers.

  • File

    The physical XML or SQL file the Customization Object has.

  • Type

    A type of the physical file: XML or SQL.

  • Creation Date

    The date of creation.

  • Created by

    The name of the creator.

  • Log Comment

    The assigned Log Comment.

  • Commit Comment

    The user description (comment) entered when the customization was imported to the Master environment.

  • Emergency

    A flag which determines whether the Customization Object can be imported as an Emergency transfer.

Reference Views

Transfer Orders

The Transfer Order assigned to the Customization Object. It is a linked object between the Customization Object and the Environment you are dealing with. Here it shows the transfer orders and their current statuses.

The 'Transfer Order' Object Type has the following attributes:

  • Environment

    The name of the related Environment.

  • Status

    The current transfer status for the related Environment. Only the 'Open' status is allowed for imports. The status setting is managed by the CTM. The status changes when the customization is transferred to the other (Test) environment.

    Note: The status can also be changed manually. For example, to set a failed import back to 'open' and try reimporting.

  • Import Date

    The date of the import.

  • Imported by

    The name of the importer.

In This Chapter

Relation of the Customization Object to the XML File

See Also

CTM Important Object Types

Valuemation Environment


Transfer Order

Setup Object

Environment Setup