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The Package can be viewed as a container for Customization Objects. The individual Packages help to organize the customization process. In practice, the Packages are used for grouping the customization according to certain milestones, modules etc.

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The Package in the Edit View

When you start creating a new Package or double-click the existing Package, the object type editor appears.

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The editor comprises the following fields:

  • Package

    The name of the package.

  • Status

    Shows the status of the package.

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    The package can have the following statuses:

    • Open

      You can add the Customization Objects when a Package is in this status.

    • Approved, Approval Revoked

      You cannot add Customization Objects when a Package is in this status.

      Intended for environments which „Require approval“.

      Set by a user with the "CTM Approver" role.

    • On hold

      The sequence check for its Customization Objects will be skipped.

      Note: You have to make sure that the customization transferred by this package is not related to any customization in the other open packages. Therefore it is recommended that you use this status carefully.

    • Closed

      You cannot add the Customization Objects when a Package is in this status.

      It can only be set when all of its Customization Objects have the 'Imported' or 'Cancelled' status.

      Note: This status is named 'Completed' in the application.

  • Comment

    An optional comment can be written here.

See Also

CTM Important Object Types

Valuemation Environment

Customization Object

Transfer Order

Setup Object

Environment Setup