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Adding a New Language

Adding a new language in Valuemation introduces the possibility to create translations in the given language and to select it as the application GUI language. Note that it does not add actual translations of Valuemation elements.

To add a new language actually means to add a new locale. Locales define region-based user preferences. This usually means the language, country and special variant preferences of users in a particular region. A locale identifier usually consists of at least a language and a region identifier, for example 'en_US' and 'en_GB' are both locales using the English language but distinguishing between the American and British formats, units and other preferences.

A new language is added by adding a value to the 'ValuemationLocales' value set:

  1. In Valuemation Rich Client, open the Value Sets customizer, locate fixed value set 'ValuemationLocales' and open it for editing.
  2. On the 'Value / Label ID' tab, create a new value with the following attributes:
    • Value: use Java standard format for locale IDs, e.g. 'en_GB' or 'de_AT'

      A list of supported locale IDs and additional information can be found here:

      Specify the value directly in the list of values on the left side of the editor.

    • Label ID: specify 'ValuemationLocales.<value>', for example 'ValuemationLocales.en_GB' or 'ValuemationLocales.de_AT'

      Specify the LabelID directly in the list of values on the left side of the editor.

    • Translation: Use short, descriptive term consistent with other language names you use, for example 'English (British)' or 'German (Austria)'

      To specify translations, use the right-hand part of the editor.

  3. Restart Valuemation for the changes to take effect.

Locale Icons

Locales in Valuemation can be accompanied by icons. The icon image files are read from location <images\country> in the Valuemation installation folder. The folder already contains images for some common locales. If you are adding a locale whose icon is not present, add the corresponding icon while following the file formats, size and naming convention.

See Also

Basic Language-related Operations

Font Support

GUI Language Selection