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Font Support

To display special foreign languages such as Chinese in the Valuemation Rich Client correctly, it is necessary to use one of the five standard Java fonts with full Unicode support:

  • Dialog
  • DialogInput
  • Monospace
  • Serif
  • Sans-Serif

By default, Valuemation uses the 'Dialog' Java font.

Font selection is user-dependent (font can be selected under User Settings/Representation/Font-Background). If a language with special characters is used, care should be taken to choose one of the Unicode support fonts. Font compatibility can be tested by writing some sample text in the text area below the font selector in User Settings.

Note that this concerns only Valuemation Rich Client. Valuemation Web Client fonts depend on the used web browser.

Fonts in Reports

The Print-to-PDF functionality is independent on the Valuemation font settings because PDF documents use their own fonts.

There are two ways to achieve special characters compatibility:

  • Change the font directly in the Template Report.
  • Use the Arial Unicode MS font.

Please see the 'Fonts' chapter in the Print to PDF section for more details.

Umlaut Compatibility on Tomcat

Default encoding on some Tomcat versions may cause incorrect rendering of Umlaut characters. To fix this, set the URIEncoding parameter of your tomcat connector (in the 'server.xml' file) to ISO-8859-1.

<Connector port="8880" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
redirectPort="8443" URIEncoding="ISO-8859-1" />

See Also

Basic Language-related Operations

Adding a New Language

GUI Language Selection