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Title Page Possibility

Valuemation contains support for the customization of a title page. With the new 'Title Page (HTML)' parameter, it is possible for a customizer to create a title page and let it be the first page in the output document. The title page can contain the name of the company, the name of the report or some dates for instance.


  • Open the 'GeneratePDF' workflow definition. There is the 'Generate PDF Report' activity with various inputs (such as a catalog, object, report template...) visible.

    Help Image

  • In this example, a new input parameter 'titlePageHtml' (whose value is a HTML making up the content) was added.
  • Using the corresponding level of customization, the 'Title Page (HTML)' can be passed to the activity (the HTML can be hard coded or concatenated in a workflow script OR it can be a value of a rich text attribute).

See Also

Print to PDF

Starting Points

Output Samples

Using the Report Template Editor

How to Install a New Font

Bar Codes