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Escalation Action

The Escalation Action refers to a workflow. When an Escalation Type Level applies then the action causes this workflow to be executed. As it is possible to have one Escalation TypeLevel trigger several actions, the actions for a given TypeLevel are numbered to give them a sequence.

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It specifies what should actually happen when escalation occurs (e.g. send an email, remind the group leader, protocol breach of SLA etc.)

Escalation Action in Edit View:

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Escalation Action in Edit Mode: Configured to send an email, which is probably the most common action during the escalation.

The following attributes are available:

Window Component

Function / Meaning


The name of the Escalation Action.

Running No.

A running number to distinguish the different actions associated with a particular actions associated with an Escalation TypeLevel. It is possible to have several actions triggered by one Escalation TypeLevel. In this case they are processed in sequence.

Escalation action used as Template

If this checkbox is selected, then the Escalation Action is a Template Action. See Escalation Action Templates for a full description.

Workflow Definiton

Select and assign a workflow which is to be called. See a particular workflow description here.

Email Template

If the send email action is available, it is possible to select a template here.


If this checkbox is selected, then the Escalation Action is a Template Action. See

Escalation Action Templates for a full description.

In This Chapter

Escalation Action Templates

See Also


Escalation Parameter

Escalation Type

Escalation Level

Escalation TypeLevel

Escalation Records

Escalation Condition