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Escalation Records

The Escalation Record is used to store the information about an object which is relevant for escalation. It is used for EscRecord Escalation only.

A particular ObjectType must be specified for this kind of Escalation; the Escalation Type object contains the name of that object in the Reference to Escalated Object Attribute and a condition which applied to that object in the attribute Escalation Condition.

For instance, if the ObjectType 'Ticket' is to be escalated, the Reference to Esclated object contains the name ticket and the Escalation Condition contains a condition which selects open Tickets with a high priority. This would reflect the business rule which states that Tickets with a high Priority should be monitored closely to avoid delays in resolving them. How closely the Tickets should be monitored and what should happen can be defined in the other Escalation objects.

The Escalation Condition is applied to the referenced object whenever an object of this type is created or updated. For instance, whenever a Ticket is created or updated, the Escalation Condition is applied to that Ticket. If it is true, an Escalation Record is created / updated. If it is not true or no longer true, the Escalation Record is removed.

Note: It is important to realize that the Escalation Records are written while Valuemation is running in normal mode, while normal processes are being performed in Valuemation. This is done as a preparation for the Escalation Process. When the Escalation Process itself is started it USES the results of this by taking the prepared contents of the Escalation Record object as its input and basis.

The Escalation Record contains the information about an Object which is relevant for the Escalation Process.

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The Catalog of Escalation Records

Note: It is important to realize that the Escalation Record is a working object for the Escalation Process and is not an object that a user of Valuemation would edit in the normal course of events.

Escalation Record in Edit View:

The view for the Escalation Type level describes the attributes of the Escalation TypeLevel and details of related objects.

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An Escalation Record

The following attributes are available:

Window Component

Function / Meaning

Escalated Object

Shows the escalated object with its object key.


Contains the date (+time) of the next scheduled escalation for this object. The Workflow named in the Duration WF in the Escalation Type object is used to calculate the Date and Time of the next scheduled Escalation. The Duration WF uses either the Date Field Name / Time Field Name (both in the Escalation Type object) or the Duration Field Name (in the Escalation Type object) and the Percentage attribute (in the Escalation Type Level object) to calculate the schedule for the next Escalation. This Date is recorded in the Date field in the Escalation Record. The Date is updated when the Escalation Process is run, and the date of the next scheduled Escalation is recorded. How this new date is scheduled depends on the value of the attribute UpdateMode in the Escalation TypeLevel object.

Initial Date

it is used for updating escalation records (e.g. the follow-up date).

Ticket No.

A number of the referenced object to which this escalation record refers (a Ticket in this example )

Escalation Record Level

The current level of escalation for this object. The escalation increases with each run of the Escalation Process for that Escalation Type until the maximum level has been reached. If the Repeat Actions option in the Escalation Type is selected, then the Escalation Actions associated with this Escalation Level will be repeated each time the Escalation Process is started, until the Escalation Condition no longer applies and the Escalation Record is deleted. If the Repeat Actions option is not selected, then the Escalation Action is performed once and not again.

Initial Escalation Level   

The Initial Escalation Level is recorded here for reference.

See Also


Escalation Parameter

Escalation Type

Escalation Level

Escalation TypeLevel

Escalation Action

Escalation Condition