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Install Components to Selected Systems

Use the 'Install Components to Selected Systems' action to mass-configure systems by installing components of a selected component type to multiple systems.

  1. Launch the 'Mass Configuration' window by selecting one or more systems in a systems catalog and calling the 'Install Components to Selected Systems' action from catalog right-click context menu.
  2. You will be prompted to set the Effective Date. This is the date when the new configuration will take effect.
  3. Make sure the Install radio button is selected.
  4. Select 'Source Stock' - the system from which components will be taken.
  5. Select 'New Type - to be Installed' - the component type of components which will be installed.

    The two fields are interconnected. Selecting a source stock first filters the component types offered for selection as 'New Type...', selecting a component type in the 'New Type...' fields filters available source stocks to those offering the particular component type.

    If you find having a list of all component types available in the Source Stock helpful, activate the 'Source Stock Components' tab by selecting the 'Source Stock Components' check box.

  6. The 'Install to Systems' tab has the following use:
    • It contains the collection of systems for which the action has been called
    • Systems can be added and removed from the collection by actions 'Assign' and 'Remove', respectively.
    • It provides information about the outcome of the action:

      - the current number of components of the selected component type in each system: column 'New Type - now'

      - the number of components of the selected component type that will be installed in each system by the action: column 'Start will Install'.

  7. Use the 'Start Installation' button to start the actual installation process. One component of the selected component type will be installed in each configured system.

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See Also

Legacy IMAC Actions

Configure the System

Replace Components on Selected Systems

Remove Components from Selected Systems

Roll-Out Components From This Stock
