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Feedback: Service Request execution rejected

Use case scenario: A service request was executed but the result is rejected by the user. The service request has to be processed to provide another solution.

The following actions are involved in the process:

User not Accepted

Use if the user does not accept the Service Request solution. The status changes to 'User not Accepted' and the ticket has to processed again.


To add the 'User not accepted' feedback:

  1. Select the Service Request from a catalog and open it by double-clicking on it.
  2. Click User not accepted.

    The agent has to describe the rejection in a ticket description of the Feeback type.

    Service request status changes to 'User Not Accepted'.

    Note: Now the Service Request can be reassigned back to the solving group by clicking Assign SR or accepted to rework it by clicking Accept SR.

See Also

Work on Service Request

Create Service Request

Accept the Service Request and Check the Responsibility

Add a new Ticket Description

Service Request assign

Search solution in KB

Execute Service Request

Inform end user about executed Service Request

Close Service Request