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Execute Service Request

Use case scenario: The person working on a Service Request has completed its execution. The execution of the Service Request has to be documented and the Service Request has to be set to status 'Executed'.

The following actions are involved in the process:

SR Executed

Allows you to execute the Service Request.


To execute a Service Request:

  1. Select the given Service Request from the catalog and open it by double-clicking on it.
  2. Accept the Service Request.
  3. Click SR Executed.
  4. Document the solution in a new ticket description.

    The Service Request is automatically reassigned to the overall responsible person (Service Desk or 1st Level).

See Also

Work on Service Request

Create Service Request

Accept the Service Request and Check the Responsibility

Add a new Ticket Description

Service Request assign

Search solution in KB

Inform end user about executed Service Request

Close Service Request

Feedback: Service Request execution rejected