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Close Service Request

Use case scenario: A Service Request in the 'User Informed' status is closed if an end user accepted its execution.

The following actions are involved in the process:

Close SR

Allows you to close the Service Request.


To close a Service Request:

  1. Select the Service Request ticket from the catalog or open it by double-clicking on it.
  2. Click Close SR.

    When closing a Service Request, a special Ticket Closing Code can be chosen from the combo box in the Details section of the Service Request Editor. The completion code information marks a particular cause of the Service Request and must be set manually.

    If closing the Service Request is done on the basis of user response and information about user satisfaction exists, then the service desk agent should register user satisfaction in the field Customer Satisfaction found on the Details tab of the ticket editor. As standard, rating in a number scale from 1 to 5 is provided which sufficiently covers the evaluation of the closed Service Request.

    Note: The Service Request is closed automatically by escalation if it stays in the User Informed status for 3 days.

See Also

Work on Service Request

Create Service Request

Accept the Service Request and Check the Responsibility

Add a new Ticket Description

Service Request assign

Search solution in KB

Execute Service Request

Inform end user about executed Service Request

Feedback: Service Request execution rejected