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Create Service Request

Use case scenario: Instead of using the Call acceptance editor, a Service Request can also be created directly from the sidebar.

The following actions are involved in the process:

Create New Service Request

The action calls a New: Service Request dialog which is the main starting point of the Service Request creation.


To create a Service Request:

  1. Start the Create new Service Request action from the sidebar.
  2. Specify relevant service request information.

    By default, the person in Requested for is equal to the person selected in Requested by. Optionally this can be changed.

    Incident Type, Impact, Urgency and Date Reported/Date Planned fields are mandatory.

  3. Click OK to finish the Service Request creation.

    The Service request is created and assigned a unique ticket number with prefix SR-.

See Also

Work on Service Request

Accept the Service Request and Check the Responsibility

Add a new Ticket Description

Service Request assign

Search solution in KB

Execute Service Request

Inform end user about executed Service Request

Close Service Request

Feedback: Service Request execution rejected