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Lookup Tickets by Calling Code

Reference catalog “Tickets by Calling Code” displays recent tickets which:

a) are reported by persons belonging to all Organization Units with a Calling Code being a prefix of a Calling Phone, e.g. a calling phone is 071414867, department D-10000 has a calling code = 07141, therefore tickets reported by all persons belonging to the department are to be displayed in the reference catalog

b) satisfy a condition defined for the catalog “referenceTickets.RequestedBy” which is used as reference catalog:

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Catalog condition is defined in the Catalog Customizer

c) only N last recent tickets are displayed

  • recent tickets are ones with greater value of “Date of creation” (DATCRE).
  • N is minimum of Maximum Read Limit defined in Global Settings and the value of mainparameter (Path="scm.ticket.options", Parameter="callers.TicketsByCallingCode.ReadLimit") with default value = 500

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Script in the workflow Department.getIDsMatchingPhone is collecting IDs of Organization Units with Calling Code matching a Calling Phone

Please see Autoclose Call Acceptance how to define that Call Acceptance editor is closed after ticket is created.

See Also

IPC: Accepting Call by CTI

How to process only External Calls

Lookup Person by Calling Phone