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Workspace InfoObject

The Workspace InfoObject has a special postion among other InfoObject types:

  • It is the main working area where Valuemation catalogs and editors get opened and thus most actual data work is done.
  • Multiple catalog and editor windows can be opened in one Workspace InfoObject.
  • The Workspace InfoObject is mandatory for the Work Page perspective.

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Working with the Workspace InfoObject

  • Opening a catalog or an editor (either directly or via a Valuemation action) automatically creates a new tab in the Workspace with the object opened. (A)
  • To close an object opened in the Workspace, use the "cross" symbol at the right of the window tab. (B)

    Alternatively, depending on the window content, use the "Ok"/"Cancel"/"Exit" buttons at the bottom of the editor or catalog to leave the window with or without saving the changes. (C)

  • Use the icon in the top left-hand Workspace corner to close all catalogs and editors opened in the Workspace with a single click. (D)
  • Use the 'maximize' icon in the top right-hand Workspace corner to maximize the Workspace (temporarily hiding other InfoObjects in the perspective). (E) When maximized, use the alternative top right-hand icon (C) to restore the Workspace to its original dimensions.
  • Note the absence of the top right-hand icon for closing of the entire InfoObject. As the Workspace InfoObject is so called 'default' InfoObject for the Work Page perspective, it cannot be removed.

See Also


Adding and Removing InfoObjects

Adjusting InfoObjects

InfoObjects Positioning

Sidebar InfoObject

Other InfoObject Types