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Adjusting InfoObjects

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InfoObject size and position in the perspective are fully adjustable.

  • Drag the divider lines between individual InfoObjects to change the size of an InfoObject at the expense of its neighbour. (1)
  • Double-click the divider line to maximize one of the neighbouring InfoObjects in the divider line direction. Double-click the line again to restore the original sizes. (2)
  • Click the 'maximize' button in InfoObject top right-hand corner to maximize the InfoObject to fill up the entire perspective. Click the alternative button in the corner of the maximized InfoObject to restore its original size. (3)
  • Drag the InfoObject by its title bar to put it into a new position. Dragging onto a divider between two InfoObjects highlights the divider with a thin blue line. A this moment you can release the mouse, placing the selected InfoObject between InfoObjects separated by the highlighted divider. (4)

    See topic 'InfoObjects Positioning' for a visual description of the concept.

See Also


Adding and Removing InfoObjects

InfoObjects Positioning

Workspace InfoObject

Sidebar InfoObject

Other InfoObject Types