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Delivery Evaluation

Delivery Evaluation is the part of Supplier Evaluation in which data is collected continuously during incoming of goods. When supplier evaluation is initiated, relevant delivery evaluation data is automatically combined with data provided by evaluating persons and the resulting evaluations are calculated.

Delivery evaluation uses 'Special competencies'.

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The incoming goods data enrich the overall evaluation with the these competencies:

  • Ability to deliver generally acceptable products
  • Ability to deliver the right product (not 'false' delivery)
  • Ability to deliver in time
  • Condition of delivered products
  • Condition of product packaging

These competencies are then processed in two ways:

  • Computed as weighted using the number of order items
  • Computed as weighted using the number of products

The way of computing may have a significant impact on the result. For example, if part of the evaluation is a delivery where within one order item 99 products arrived in time but 1 product was late, then the delivery of the entire order item may be deemed late and the final evaluation result will be far more negative than when computed on the basis of individual products.

In This Chapter

Providing Inputs

See Also

Supplier Evaluation

Standard Process Overview

Process Setup

Evaluation by Evaluating Persons

Calculating Evaluations