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Standard Process Overview

The main idea is to collect standardized performance quality information and process this information in a way providing quantifiable output.

The process consists of the following steps:

  • Step zero: Process Setup

    The supply manager defines competencies (criteria) to be evaluated for selected suppliers, persons, services etc.

  • Step one: Inputs Initiation

    The evaluating persons are asked to carry out their evaluations.

  • Step two: Providing Inputs
    • Upon request, evaluating persons provide their evaluation inputs for selected suppliers and period according to defined criteria.
    • In parallel, goods receiving department evaluates each product delivered from orders or contracts.
  • Step three: Average Calculation

    Resulting average evaluations are generated on the basis of data gathered in step two. These average evaluations can then be used to rank suppliers for various business purposes (e.g.selecting a supplier for an individual order/contract or negotiations with suppliers). The evaluation cycle can be repeated using corrective adjustments (changing criteria, periods, weighting the inputs).

    In essence, step three is an objective processing of the potentially rather subjective information obtained from individual evaluating persons (and combining it with data gathered from incoming goods). Evidently, the more information is collected from different evaluators, the more objective the resulting evaluation will be.

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See Also

Supplier Evaluation

Process Setup

Evaluation by Evaluating Persons

Delivery Evaluation

Calculating Evaluations