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Next Input for the Selected

The 'Next Input for the Selected' action creates a new evaluation for the currently selected supplier. The intended use of this action is to create another evaluation for an already evaluated supplier. The action is especially suitable when evaluations are carried out on a regular basis.

Same as 'New Input', the action is called from the right-click context menu command in the 'Your Evaluation Inputs' catalog. A supplier has to be selected for the action to be enabled.

The new evaluation created in this way inherits some of its predecessor's data:

  • Competencies of the new evaluation are created on the basis of current competency settings. This means that if a new competence has been created for the evaluated business partner type since last evaluation, this competency will also appear in the 'Competency Evaluation Inputs' list. (In other words, the competency list always reflects the current settings.)
  • Input Evaluation and Certainty/Weight values are inherited from the last evaluation. They serve as a starting point for the new evaluation.
  • Evaluated From and Evaluated To values of the new evaluation are filled in with "guessed" values: the application tries to predict the values on the basis of the last evaluation period. This may provide usable results in cases when evaluations are carried out regularly and in equal intervals, in other cases the automatically created evaluation interval data will have to be edited.

See Also

Providing Inputs

New Input