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Providing Inputs

Each delivered product has the following attributes to fill in during incoming of goods:

  • Condition of Packaging

    Grades on the scale of 1 to 6 the condition in which the product arrived.

  • Condition of Product

    Grades on the scale of 1 to 6 the condition of product packaging upon delivery.

    The scale used for these two data inputs is the same as the one used for evaluations by evaluating persons.

  • False Delivery

    Registers that a product different from the ordered one has been delivered

  • Late Delivery

    Registers that the product has been delivered after agreed delivery date.

    In the 'Incoming Goods, the mandatory field 'Desired Delivery Date' holds the delivery date agreed upon with the supplier. This date may not be known exactly at the moment of ordering but it should be updated before the real delivery.

    During the administrative part of Incoming Goods the user specifies the real delivery date and this date is promoted to each delivered product. The application then compared the desired and real delivery date and computes the 'Late Delivery' flag.

    Note that it is possible to override the automatically filled-in 'Late Delivery' value. This can be used, for instance, in situations when the delay in delivery was caused by other factors than the supplier or when it was not possible to guarantee a set date at all.

  • Additionally, each delivery is either accepted or rejected. This information is also fed into the evaluation.

The evaluation always uses delivered products as the basis. The relevant products are those which are delivered within the evaluated period from the evaluated business partner and which create components.

Even though the standard procedure is to assess the products during incoming of goods, the assessment can be adjusted anytime later.

See Also

Delivery Evaluation