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Export Standard Translations

The 'Export Standard Translations' action enables easy export of USU standard translations independently of customer translations with no need for comparison with a previous version.

The action is available through right-click context menu of the 'Translations of Application Text' catalog:

  • Open the 'Translations of Application Text' catalog
  • Select the translation keys which you want to export
  • Use right-click context menu to call 'Export Standard Translations'

The generated XML file will contain only USU standard translations of the selected translation keys.

What are Standard Translations

Valuemation distinguishes between USU standard and customer specific translations.

For each translated item it is possible to specify two translations: a standard translation and a customer specific translation. When both translations exist, the customer specific translation takes precedence.

This pair of translations can be provided for each of the supported languages. English plays the role of a "fallback" language: if a translation does not exist for the currently selected language, the corresponding English translation is used.

See Also

Translations of Application Text

'Translations of Application Text' Catalog

'Translations of Application Text' Editor

Translations in Resource Files

Translations Made in Customizers

Translations of View Elements

Translations of Catalog Elements

Sidebar Content

Workflow Elements

Workflow Scripts