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Comparing the Databases

Use the 'Compare' function in the Exporter window to examine differences between the current database and the original database (defined in session EXPORT_ORIG).

  1. Click the 'Compare' button at the bottom of the 'Exporter of Metamodel changes' window.
  2. The window switches to the 'Results' tab and the comparison commences. The process may take up to several minutes, depending on the hardware environment, the number of selected objects, set conditions, selected export mode etc.
  3. Examine the differences in the 'Results' tab. You can:
    • Select from two display modes: "by status/type" and "by type/status"
    • Define an 'Expand Level' - the level to which found results expand

    The tree of results provides the following information:

    • Identification attributes are displayed under every object, other attributes under 'Created' and 'Deleted' objects.
    • Unmatched attributes are displayed under 'Modified'. Here you can also see the old and new values.

    The context menu available on the attributes provides the following actions:

    • 'Expand all', 'Collapse all'
    • 'Edit Business Object Type' - examine or edit the underlying object type in the Object Type customizer.

    See also Modification Statuses.

Other relevant information: 'Object Statuses in Tree of Differences', 'Modification Statuses and Dependencies'.

See Also

Export Metamodel

Starting the Metamodel Export

Selecting Objects

Log Comments Filter

Export Conditions

Export Mode

Exporting to XML