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Starting the Metamodel Export

Select the Export metamodel entry from the Customize menu to call the 'Export of Metamodel Changes' editor.

Help Image

Exporter of Metamodel Changes

Basic steps:

  1. Specify the object types to be exported (left pane)
  2. Possibly filter the export according to module assignment (right pane)
  3. Click the 'Compare' button to compare differences between the original and the current database. When the comparison has finished, the differences get displayed in the 'Results' tab.
  4. Select what you want to export, fill in the export file name in the bottom and select the location for the xml file to be saved in.
  5. Click the 'Export' button.

See other topics in this help section for details.


  • To export all files rather than just differences, select the 'Export All objects as created' check box at the top of the window.
  • If some of the exported objects have related parts which have not been exported, the resulting XML file may not be importable into Valuemation.
  • To check differences between Valuemation and the Database tables, see the Metamodel Check help section.

See Also

Export Metamodel

Selecting Objects

Log Comments Filter

Export Conditions

Export Mode

Comparing the Databases

Exporting to XML