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Export Conditions

For every object type, it is possible to define a restrictive condition. Only objects (of the object type) fulfilling the condition will be selected for comparison and export.

Use right-click context menu or dedicated buttons in the object types list (left pane) to:

  • Edit Condition

    With an object type selected, calling 'Edit Condition' opens a query editor in which an export condition for the object type can be specified.

  • Clear Condition

    If an object type with an export condition specified is selected, use 'Clear Condition' to delete this export condition.

    All conditions defined for multiple object types can be deleted by calling the 'Clear Conditions' action on the root node of the object types list.

  • Open Catalog

    With an object type selected, calling 'Open Catalog' opens a catalog of objects of this object type. If the object type has an export condition specified, the condition is reflected in the catalog. Use this commend e.g. to make sure your export condition is created correctly.

    Alternatively, it is possible to specify a condition directly in the catalog and transfer it to the exporter.

    1. Use 'Open Catalog' on an object type selected in the object types list.
    2. Specify a condition directly in the catalog which opens.
    3. In the opened catalog, click 'Search'. Then click 'Ok' to close the catalog.

      The condition from the catalog should stay specified on the object type selected in the object types list.

On the root node of the technical object types list, the right-click context menu contains the following additional items:

  • Select log comments

    Allows to choose one or more of the Log Comments created in the Log Comments catalog and use it/them as a condition.

  • Edit customization log condition

    Can be used to define a condition for the Customization Log catalog, thus only customization(s) that fit the query will be selected.

  • Clear Customization log condition

    Clears the already defined customization log condition.

  • Preset to my change

    Specifies the current user as the author of customization changes.

See topic 'Log Comments Filter' for more information.

See Also

Export Metamodel

Starting the Metamodel Export

Selecting Objects

Log Comments Filter

Export Mode

Comparing the Databases

Exporting to XML