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Modification Statuses and Dependencies

Modified objects

Object is checked for modification when the object with same identifying attributes exists also in the original database. For such objects all attributes are compared and also all part objects bellow them are compared. Part object is recognized in that way, that it is no root object type (such types are marked in metamodel inside java code) and has mandatory relation to a parent object, which can be a root or also a part object. E.g. Catalog has part objects Columns, Rendering conditions and a Tree filter. References to views for create, edit and search are simple “to 1” links where it is compared only if the identification of view is same.

Linked objects handling

Objects referenced by links are added into the exported XML file only when they are created and the relation is mandatory or the target BO type is also selected in tree of exported types (and possible type condition matches).

Created objects

An Object is determined as created when the same instance is not found on the original database (according identifying attributes). For a created object also all part objects with all attributes are exported. Linked referenced objects are again exported as described in previous sub-chapter Linked objects handling.

Deleted objects

A Deleted object is read from the original database and there is no same instance on the current database (according identifying attributes). Also for deleted object all attributes and also all part objects with all attributes are exported to enable the detection of Modified x Deleted conflicts during import into another database.

Linked objects handling

Objects referenced by links are added into the exported XML file only when they have mandatory back link to the deleted object or the target BO type is also selected in the tree of exported types (and possible type condition matches).

Parent Relations of technical object types

The images below list technical object types and their dependencies.

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See Also

XML Import

Object Statuses in Tree of Differences

Logging of XML Import