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Example 1

The example demonstrates how to assign an English and German topic to the 'Emailtemplate' object type.

  1. From the 'Valuemation Core' sidebar, open the 'Help Topic Assignments' catalog.
  2. Right-click anywhere in the catalog and call the 'Create' action. The 'New: Help Topic Assignment' window opens. In the editor, locate the 'Object Type' section and use the 'Plus' button to call the business object type browser.
  3. A catalog of object types opens. Use it to search for the 'Emailtemplate' object type. Double-click the object type to select it for assignment. The object type browser closes.
  4. Next, let's assign an English help topic. Go to the 'helpTopicMappings' reference catalog at the bottom of the editor and call right-click action 'Create'. The 'New: Help Topic Mapping' window opens.
  5. In the 'New: Help Topic Mapping' editor, select 'English' from the Language drop-down box.
  6. Click the 'Plus' button in the help topic section. A catalog of existing topics in the English help folder opens. Use it to select a suitable topic.
    As of Valuemation Help 4.6 v3, the suitable English topic for the 'Emailtemplate' object type would be topic 15212.htm called 'Email Templates'.
  7. Click 'Ok' at the bottom of the 'New: Help Topic Mapping' window. The English topic mapping is created.
  8. Back in the 'New: Help Topic Assignment' window, go to the 'helpTopicMappings' reference catalog and call the 'Create' right-click action again. The 'New: Help Topic Mapping' window opens for creation of another mapping.
  9. Select 'Deutsch' from the Language drop-down box.
  10. Click the 'Plus' button in the help topic section. A catalog of existing topics in the German help folder opens. Use it to select a German topic corresponding to the English topic selected in step 6 above.
    As of Valuemation Hilfe 4.6 v3, the corresponding topic would be topic 27433.htm called 'E-Mail-Vorlagen'.
    See 'The Same Topic in Different Languages' for an explanation of the relationship between different language versions of the same topic.
  11. Click 'Ok' at the bottom of the 'New: Help Topic Mapping' window. The German topic mapping is created.
  12. If only English and German assignment is needed, click the 'Ok' button at the bottom of the 'New: Help Topic Mapping' window. Otherwise, proceed according to steps 8 - 11 modified for another language.

The result of this assignment:

Whenever a catalog or an editor of the 'Emailtemplate' object type is opened and in focus, pressing F1 calls the assigned topic unless a more detailed help topic assignment exists (i.e. an assignment for the specific catalog/editor or the currently used workflow/workflow node).

  • When English is the current GUI language, topic 15212.htm gets displayed.
  • When German is the current GUI language, topic 27433.htm gets displayed.

See Also

Assigning a Help Topic

Using the Help Assignment Catalog

Assignment from the Valuemation Element

Example 2

The Same Topic in Different Languages