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Example 2

The example demonstrates how to assign a help topic to a Valuemation element directly from the element itself. This is a quick and efficient way of help topic assignment preferred by Valuemation professionals.

For example, let's assign a suitable help topic to the 'Move Systems' catalog. ('Move Systems' is a catalog from which the Move/Mass Move action is administered.)

  1. Open the 'Move Systems' catalog by calling the 'Move Systems' action from the sidebar of the 'IT Asset Support' business view.
  2. Right-click inside the catalog and choose 'Customize'/'Context help keys' from the context menu. The 'Help Topic Assignments' catalog opens.
  3. Use the 'Help Topic Assignments' catalog to assign topics in one or more target languages as described in Example 1.

In our example, you will find that several topics at the same level are suitable for the 'Move Systems' catalog: 'Move a System with Organizational Changes', 'Move Systems With Identical Organizational Changes', 'Move Systems With Different Organizational Changes'. In such case it might be a good idea to link the topic one level up in the hierarchy as the 'In This Chapter' section of this 'upper' topic provides links to all the parallel alternatives. As of Valuemation Help 4.6 v3, the suitable English topic would be 18997.htm called 'Service Asset Configuration in Use'.

See Also

Assigning a Help Topic

Using the Help Assignment Catalog

Assignment from the Valuemation Element

Example 1

The Same Topic in Different Languages