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Frequently read performance data (measuring data) cannot be assigned directly to a cost calculation-laterally well-known term. The ideal case is that for example, the cost center is deposited directly in the account number. This is usually not as common practice.

Task of the allocation is to convert technical data (account of sentences) into economical data (reservations on e.g. cost centers or cost objectives). Since most computing centers on structures grown historically to be based and with assignment of guidelines and definitions cost transparency was also not drawn in the calculation, the requirements are high to the flexibility of the software. Beyond that these guidelines and definitions are subject to frequent changes. Due to the table control within Valuemation can be reacted flexibly to changes. In order to become fair, a conditional and multidimensional allocation is possible for the problem described above in Valuemation. For the technicians among you, here as example the allocation of MVS DATA set, in which the name conventions would make the following allocation necessary:

Example of a conditional allocation: If the first Qualifier of the MVS DATA set is a ' P ', then the cost center can be determined over the second Qualifier. If the first Qualifier is the character sequence ' DSNT ', then the fourth Qualifier contains the allocation to the cost center. If the allocation successfully did not run yet, then the first Qualifier is understood as a user ID and assigned over the user ID of a cost center.

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Allocation of data

In This Chapter

Generic Allocation

Multidimensional Allocation

Percentage Allocation

See Also

Costing&Charging Manager

Basic Functions

Data Capture


Audit Compliance






System Tables


Logs and Errors Handling

General Information