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Percentage Allocation

Since the allocation cannot be defined always clearly e.g. 1:1, Valuemation permits additionally the proportional distribution on several cost calculation terms.  For example possible, a DATA set is to be charged to 30% at cost center 1 and to 70% at cost center 2.

This ability can be used in many installations, in order to illustrate the spheres of activity or project groups or similar units defined in the organization.  Thus the employees of several internal cost centers work on a sphere of activity.  That can be for example the insurance section for cars, an application project or clients.

For this sphere of activity, a proportional distribution can be defined, in order to assign the individual service sets first to this sphere of activity, and then the sphere of activity to the cost centers. This saves the expenditure to define the same distribution for all cost centers. Also the controlling of the expiration of allocation (account number --> sphere of activity --> cost center) is administered over entries in the table.

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Percentage Allocation

See Also


Generic Allocation

Multidimensional Allocation