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When you want to find a specific card which you don't know the exact position of, you can use the Kanban Search feature. The search enables you to search globally within the entire Kanban board in all cards. The search box is located at the top in the toolbar and thus it is permanently available.

To search in the Kanban Board:

  1. Enter a keyword or part of the keyword in the Search field in the toolbar.
  2. The search is initiated automatically in the background as you type.

    Help Image

    The search is performed across all cards in the Kanban Board and the results are filtered out immediately.

    Note: The search results are temporary, they are annulled as soon as you delete the keyword in the search box.

To reset the search results:

  1. Go to the search box.
  2. Delete the keyword.

    The Kanban board refreshes automatically and displays all objects again.

See Also

Basic Operations

Detail Viewing

Column Width Adjustments


Card Context Menu

