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The toolbar contains the following components:

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Kanban Board selector

Allows you to switch among individual Kanban Boards. Click the drop-down button to find out if there are more boards defined. If so, you can select the desired profile and the corresponding Kanban Board is rendered immediately.

Note: My Incidents and My Activities are the two default Kanban Boards in Valuemation.

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Column controls

Enable you to expand or collapse the columns in the Kanban Board. By collapsing the columns, you can minimize the board layout so that more columns will be visible without the need for scrolling. By expanding the columns, you can see all details in the cards at the expense of general overview.

Note: You can also expand/collapse just the individual columns using the +/- symbols in the column header.

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Allows you to refresh the data in the Kanban Board. Note that only a manual refresh is possible - you cannot set the refresh to be performed automatically in certain time intervals.

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Sort controls

Using the sort functionality, it is possible to sort cards in the board by one of the object attributes or in the ascending / descending order.

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Search field

Allows you to perform a basic search across all cards in the Kanban Board.

See Also

Kanban GUI Overview


Kanban Board in Detail