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New Standard Value Set

If a suitable value set or object type does not exist and it makes sense to create it for global reuse (scenario (C) from topic 'Choice Parameter - Three Scenarios'), creation of a new standard parameter value set is the way to go.

  1. Locate the 'Standard Parameter Value Sets' catalog. It can be found e.g. in the 'Requesting Configuration' folder of 'SRM Catalogue Manager' sidebar.
  2. Call action 'Create' from the catalog right-click context menu. The 'New: Parameter Value Set' editor opens.
  3. Specify value set name.
  4. Create individual values one by one, using the 'Create new parameter value set item' button at the top of the 'Value Set Items' editor section. Then save the new value set.

The value set can now be used as a standard value set.

See Also

Choice Parameter - Three Scenarios

Existing Standard Value Set

New Local Value Set