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Shop Content Personalized by Service User Groups
  1. In the service offer package editor, make sure that 'Service Users Are Defined by' = 'Service User Groups'.
  2. With this selection, a 'Service Customer' field gets displayed below the 'Service Users Are Defined by' drop-down. Use the '+' button next to it to select a service customer.

    'Service Customers' are business partners of the 'Customer' type. They are used specifically in the context of Service User Groups.

At this point let's assume that we are using the Service User Groups functionality for the first time and we need to prepare necessary data for its use.

Create Service Customer

In the 'Users Defined by Service User Groups' scenario, offer packages are assigned to service customers.

To create a service customer:

  1. Locate and open catalog 'Service Customers' found e.g. in the 'Requesting Configuration' folder of the 'SRM Catalogue Manager' sidebar.
  2. Call the 'Create' context menu action. An editor for business partner creation opens.
  3. Fill in relevant attributes. Note that attribute 'Partner Type' must be 'Customer'. Save the changes.

Create Service User Groups

  1. Expand the 'Service User Groups' section of the business partner editor. You will notice that a first service user group 'All Employees' has been automatically created. This default group is empty (i.e. it has no users assigned to it) and it has to be populated.
  2. Persons assigned to the business partner are used as basis for user groups populating. Still in the business partner editor, expand the 'Persons' section and assign persons to the business partner. This will represent a basic pool of users for user groups populating.
  3. Go back to the 'Service User Groups' section of the business partner editor. Right-click the 'All Employees' group and call context menu action 'Assign Service Users (Auto)'. The service user group gets populated with all persons belonging to the business partner.

    Let's have a more detailed look at the newly populated service user group. Double-click the group in the 'Service User Groups' section of the business partner editor. It opens in an editor.The first line in the editor displays the customer for whom the group has been/is being created.

    • Attribute 'Service User Group' is the name of the group. An ideal name reflect a common quality of users in the group, i.e. the condition by which they have been selected.
    • Attribute 'Users Membership' can have two values:

      'Auto' - Use 'Auto' if relevant members can be recognized and assigned automatically, by fulfilling a predefined condition.

      When 'Auto' is chosen, a field for definition of the query which defines the relevant users gets displayed - specify the query.

      'Manual' - Use 'Manual' if group members need to be selected manually.

      When 'Manual' is chosen, use the '+' button in the 'Service Users in the Group' section to open a catalog of persons to be assigned. Assign the persons.

    • Attribute 'Default': One or more service user groups can be set as default. All new offers created for the customer are then automatically assigned to this/these group(s).
  4. Use context menu action 'Create' in the 'Service User Groups' section to create as many service user groups as needed. (Refer to point 3 above for information on attributes of the service user group creation editor.)

Create an Offer Package for the Service Customer

  1. Create a new offer package, or copy an existing one.
    • Use field 'Service Customer' to assign the package to the customer it will be used for. Consider naming the offer package correspondingly.
    • Remember to set offer package status to 'Current' so that it is really offered to the users (unless intended otherwise).
  2. Populate the offer package with new or existing offers.
  3. By default, offers in the package are automatically assigned to the default 'All Employees' group (described above). We need to assign different offers to different service user groups. Two ways exist:
    • In the 'Shop Offers' section of the offer package editor, use context menu action 'Assign User Groups...'.
    • Double-click each offer in the 'Shop Offers' section to open it for editing and use the 'Service User Groups' in the offer editor.
  4. Save the offer package.

We now have an offer package assigned to a specific service customer, with individual offers in the package assigned to different service user groups existing within the service customer. Life is good.

Note on the default 'All Employees' service user group

The automatically created 'All Employees' service user group assigns users who:

  • belong to the business partner, and
  • are current (Assigned from =< current date =< Assigned to), and
  • are assigned in Process Role = 'Employee'.

It is possible to either change this default assignment globally in a workflow or manually edit the assignment condition in the service user group editor (field 'Query for Auto Membership') and rename the service user group to reflect the new selection criteria.

Note: Beware of ghost offers

If an offer package is set to 'Shop content is personalized by' = 'Service User Groups' and some of its offers are not assigned to any service user group(s), then these offers exist but are not offered to anyone. Unless this is intentional, make sure all offers have a service user group assigned.

See Also

Organizing Offers with Service User Groups

Shop Content Personalized by Person Condition