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Create Ticket

Typical use case scenario: Mrs. Sharp is a clerk in an agency. She works from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. She starts working on her PC and needs to print out a list for hes boss till afternoon but the printer doesn't work. She decides to report the problem by Valuemation. She is going to create a ticket.

The following actions are involved in the Ticket creation:

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Create Ticket

The action calls a New:Ticket dialog which is the main starting point of the Ticket creation.

This particular action is related to the End User Business View only.


Assign System

Allows you to assign the affected system to the Ticket.


Assign Service

Allows you to assign the affected service to the Ticket.


Add File

Enables you to add an attachment to the Ticket.

The Create Ticket action consists of the following stages:

  • Stage 1: Call the Create Ticket Action
  • Stage 2: Specify mandatory attributes
  • Stage 3: Optionally add a description, add an attachment and system
  • Stage 4: Finalize the ticket creation process

Call the Create Ticket Action

The action can be started:

  • Using the Smart Tile on the Start Page of the End User Business View

    Using the tile on the End User start page is the fastest way to open the New:Ticket catalog.

    Note: If not present, tiles can be easily added by Start Page customization.

  • Using the Smart Tile from the 'Tiles' InfoObject

    If available, the 'Tiles' InfoObject provides access to all available Smart Tiles, the Create Ticket tile included.

Specify Mandatory Attributes

After you start the Create Ticket action, a New:Ticket dialog appears.

This dialog requires that you fill in at least the mandatory fields:

  • The Requested by section is prefilled with the current user data.
  • The Requested for field represents the affected person for whom this ticket was requested.

    Assign the corresponding person.

  • Provide a brief Ticket Shorttext to describe the ticket.
  • Incident Categorization: Classify the ticket by specifying a Ticket Type (e.g. complaint, disturbance, information...) and its perceived Impact (from 1-severe to 5-very low).

Add a Description, Add an Attachment and System

After the mandatory attributes have been specified, you can specify all other attributes and relations as needed:

  • Use the use the rich text Description field to describe the ticket in detail.

Next you can assign the affected service, affected system or add an attachment.

To assign the system:

  1. Click Assign System.

    The System browser opens.

  2. Select the system related to the ticket.

    This could be e.g. the system whose malfunction you are reporting.

  3. Click OK.

    The system has been assigned.

To assign a service:

  1. Click Assign Service.

    The Service browser opens.

  2. Select the service related to the ticket.

    This could be e.g. the service whose malfunction is being reported.

  3. Click OK.

    The service has been assigned.

To add an attachment:

  1. Click the Add File button.

    The Upload file dialog box appears.

  2. Select a file using the Select a file... button or drag & drop it into the dialog box.

    As the file has been added, the dialog box closes.

Finalize the Ticket Creation Process

Click OK to save the new ticket and forward it to the Service Desk support group. Note that this is a default behaviour which may differ depending on the actual settings. The new ticket is assigned a unique ticket number with the IN- prefix and the New:Ticket dialog closes.

In This Chapter

Major Incidents

See Also

End User

Work on my Tickets

Request in Shop

Work on my Requests